View Javadoc
1   package net.sourceforge.heracles.service.impl;
4   import java.util.List;
6   import javax.naming.NamingException;
8   import net.sourceforge.heracles.dao.LdapQuery;
9   import net.sourceforge.heracles.model.LdapUser;
10  import net.sourceforge.heracles.service.Search;
11  import net.sourceforge.heracles.utilities.HeraclesException;
13  import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
14  /**
15   * Title:  <br>
16   * Description:      The implementation of the Serivce Interface<br>
17   * Java Version:     JDK 1.5<br>
18   *
19   * @author Philipp Gantert
20   * version 1.0
21   * 
22   */
23  public class SearchImpl implements Search {
24  	private Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(getClass());
26  	// Needed for Spring
27  	private LdapQuery ldapQuery = null;
29  	/**
30  	 * Spring needs this method to inizalize the ldapQuery object.
31  	 * @param ldapQuery
32  	 */
33  	public void setLdapQuery(LdapQuery ldapQuery) {
34  		this.ldapQuery = ldapQuery;
35  	}
37  	/**
38  	 * This method asks the dao layer for searching something in the ldap. The "where" statement
39  	 * defines the Attribute which would be to search and the "like" statement defines the String
40  	 * which is searched.
41  	 * 
42  	 * @param domainName
43  	 * 			  String: in which domain
44  	 * @param where
45  	 *            String: which attribute
46  	 * @param like
47  	 *            String: which search statement
48  	 * @return {@link List}
49  	 * @throws NamingException
50  	 * @throws HeraclesException
51  	 */
52  	public List<LdapUser> searchInLdap(String domainName,String where, String like) throws NamingException,HeraclesException {
53  		validating(domainName, where, like);
54  		List<LdapUser> ldapUsers = ldapQuery.searchInLdap(domainName,where, like);
55  		if(ldapUsers.size()==0){
56  			throw new HeraclesException("There are no results for this search");
57  		}
58  		return ldapUsers;
59  	}
61  	private void validating(String domainName,String where, String like) throws HeraclesException{
62  		if(domainName==null){
63  			throw new HeraclesException("The domainName value NULL is not valid");
64  		}
65  		if (where==null) {
66  			throw new HeraclesException("The where value NULL is not valid");
67  		}
68  		if (like==null) {
69  			throw new HeraclesException("The like value NULL is not valid");
70  		}
72  	}
73  }