Uses of Class

Packages that use LdapUser

Uses of LdapUser in net.sourceforge.heracles.acegi

Fields in net.sourceforge.heracles.acegi declared as LdapUser
private  LdapUser HeraclesUserDetails.ldapUser

Methods in net.sourceforge.heracles.acegi that return LdapUser
 LdapUser HeraclesUserDetails.getLdapUser()

Methods in net.sourceforge.heracles.acegi with parameters of type LdapUser
 void HeraclesUserDetails.setLdapUser(LdapUser ldapUser)

Constructors in net.sourceforge.heracles.acegi with parameters of type LdapUser
HeraclesUserDetails(java.lang.String username, java.lang.String password, boolean accountNonLocked, boolean credentialsNonExpired, boolean enabled, org.acegisecurity.GrantedAuthority[] authorities, LdapUser ldapUser)
          Constructor stes the attribute accountNunExpired always on true

Uses of LdapUser in net.sourceforge.heracles.api

Methods in net.sourceforge.heracles.api that return LdapUser
abstract  LdapUser Heracles.authAdvanced(java.lang.String username, java.lang.String password)
          This method takes the usersername and the password as Strings and does the authentication.
 LdapUser HeraclesImpl.authAdvanced(java.lang.String username, java.lang.String password)
          This method takes the usersername and the password as Strings and does the authentication.

Methods in net.sourceforge.heracles.api that return types with arguments of type LdapUser
abstract  java.util.List<LdapUser> Heracles.searchInLdap(java.lang.String domainName, java.lang.String where, java.lang.String like)
          This method could be used to search in the ldap for something, the result will be come as a List.
 java.util.List<LdapUser> HeraclesImpl.searchInLdap(java.lang.String domainName, java.lang.String where, java.lang.String like)
          This method could be used to search in the ldap for something, the result will be come as a List.

Uses of LdapUser in net.sourceforge.heracles.dao

Methods in net.sourceforge.heracles.dao that return types with arguments of type LdapUser
 java.util.List<LdapUser> LdapQuery.searchInLdap(java.lang.String domainName, java.lang.String where, java.lang.String like)

Uses of LdapUser in net.sourceforge.heracles.dao.impl

Methods in net.sourceforge.heracles.dao.impl that return LdapUser
private  LdapUser LdapQueryImpl.createLdapUser( searchResult)
          The result of our search has all the values, which we must convert in a LdapUser object.
private  LdapUser LdapQueryImpl.defineUserAccountControl(LdapUser ldapUser, int userAccountControl)
          This is a help method to define if the user account diabled and is the password expired.

Methods in net.sourceforge.heracles.dao.impl that return types with arguments of type LdapUser
 java.util.List<LdapUser> LdapQueryImpl.searchInLdap(java.lang.String domainName, java.lang.String where, java.lang.String like)

Methods in net.sourceforge.heracles.dao.impl with parameters of type LdapUser
private  LdapUser LdapQueryImpl.defineUserAccountControl(LdapUser ldapUser, int userAccountControl)
          This is a help method to define if the user account diabled and is the password expired.

Uses of LdapUser in net.sourceforge.heracles.service

Methods in net.sourceforge.heracles.service that return LdapUser
 LdapUser Authentication.authAdvanced(java.lang.String username, java.lang.String password)
          This method receives from the API implementation the username and password.

Methods in net.sourceforge.heracles.service that return types with arguments of type LdapUser
 java.util.List<LdapUser> Search.searchInLdap(java.lang.String domainName, java.lang.String where, java.lang.String like)

Uses of LdapUser in net.sourceforge.heracles.service.impl

Methods in net.sourceforge.heracles.service.impl that return LdapUser
 LdapUser AuthenticationImpl.authAdvanced(java.lang.String username, java.lang.String password)
          This method receives from the API implementation the username and password.

Methods in net.sourceforge.heracles.service.impl that return types with arguments of type LdapUser
 java.util.List<LdapUser> SearchImpl.searchInLdap(java.lang.String domainName, java.lang.String where, java.lang.String like)
          This method asks the dao layer for searching something in the ldap.

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