Uses of LdapUser in net.sourceforge.heracles.acegi |
Fields in net.sourceforge.heracles.acegi declared as LdapUser | |
private LdapUser |
Methods in net.sourceforge.heracles.acegi that return LdapUser | |
LdapUser |
Methods in net.sourceforge.heracles.acegi with parameters of type LdapUser | |
void |
HeraclesUserDetails.setLdapUser(LdapUser ldapUser)
Constructors in net.sourceforge.heracles.acegi with parameters of type LdapUser | |
HeraclesUserDetails(java.lang.String username,
java.lang.String password,
boolean accountNonLocked,
boolean credentialsNonExpired,
boolean enabled,
org.acegisecurity.GrantedAuthority[] authorities,
LdapUser ldapUser)
Constructor stes the attribute accountNunExpired always on true |
Uses of LdapUser in net.sourceforge.heracles.api |
Methods in net.sourceforge.heracles.api that return LdapUser | |
abstract LdapUser |
Heracles.authAdvanced(java.lang.String username,
java.lang.String password)
This method takes the usersername and the password as Strings and does the authentication. |
LdapUser |
HeraclesImpl.authAdvanced(java.lang.String username,
java.lang.String password)
This method takes the usersername and the password as Strings and does the authentication. |
Methods in net.sourceforge.heracles.api that return types with arguments of type LdapUser | |
abstract java.util.List<LdapUser> |
Heracles.searchInLdap(java.lang.String domainName,
java.lang.String where,
java.lang.String like)
This method could be used to search in the ldap for something, the result will be come as a List. |
java.util.List<LdapUser> |
HeraclesImpl.searchInLdap(java.lang.String domainName,
java.lang.String where,
java.lang.String like)
This method could be used to search in the ldap for something, the result will be come as a List. |
Uses of LdapUser in net.sourceforge.heracles.dao |
Methods in net.sourceforge.heracles.dao that return types with arguments of type LdapUser | |
java.util.List<LdapUser> |
LdapQuery.searchInLdap(java.lang.String domainName,
java.lang.String where,
java.lang.String like)
Uses of LdapUser in net.sourceforge.heracles.dao.impl |
Methods in net.sourceforge.heracles.dao.impl that return LdapUser | |
private LdapUser |
LdapQueryImpl.createLdapUser(javax.naming.directory.SearchResult searchResult)
The result of our search has all the values, which we must convert in a LdapUser object. |
private LdapUser |
LdapQueryImpl.defineUserAccountControl(LdapUser ldapUser,
int userAccountControl)
This is a help method to define if the user account diabled and is the password expired. |
Methods in net.sourceforge.heracles.dao.impl that return types with arguments of type LdapUser | |
java.util.List<LdapUser> |
LdapQueryImpl.searchInLdap(java.lang.String domainName,
java.lang.String where,
java.lang.String like)
Methods in net.sourceforge.heracles.dao.impl with parameters of type LdapUser | |
private LdapUser |
LdapQueryImpl.defineUserAccountControl(LdapUser ldapUser,
int userAccountControl)
This is a help method to define if the user account diabled and is the password expired. |
Uses of LdapUser in net.sourceforge.heracles.service |
Methods in net.sourceforge.heracles.service that return LdapUser | |
LdapUser |
Authentication.authAdvanced(java.lang.String username,
java.lang.String password)
This method receives from the API implementation the username and password. |
Methods in net.sourceforge.heracles.service that return types with arguments of type LdapUser | |
java.util.List<LdapUser> |
Search.searchInLdap(java.lang.String domainName,
java.lang.String where,
java.lang.String like)
Uses of LdapUser in net.sourceforge.heracles.service.impl |
Methods in net.sourceforge.heracles.service.impl that return LdapUser | |
LdapUser |
AuthenticationImpl.authAdvanced(java.lang.String username,
java.lang.String password)
This method receives from the API implementation the username and password. |
Methods in net.sourceforge.heracles.service.impl that return types with arguments of type LdapUser | |
java.util.List<LdapUser> |
SearchImpl.searchInLdap(java.lang.String domainName,
java.lang.String where,
java.lang.String like)
This method asks the dao layer for searching something in the ldap. |